Lucas and Kyungsil Are:

  • married
  • criminally happy
  • dedicated to pvp'ing noobs
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Lucas and Kyungsil Are Not:

  • doing the gardening
  • going to New York
  • moonpeople from Mars

Our Cultists

Friday, 13 May 2011
there is something about watches which drive me nuts. i love them, and given the right pay packet, i'd be out there collecting them by the dozen. this week, though, i fell on this site, and realised this is what i really want to max all my credit cards out on. and i'd have to, too.

the romain jerome collection is just stunning. this beaut is one of the steampunk range, lovingly crafted from bits of the titanic. yes. THE titanic. you can get some with moondust and volcanic bits, too.

i haven't got a decent watch at the moment - but i reckon i can start here. anyone got any tips on how to convince my beautiful wife of the pure necessity of this watch and a few others from this insane collection?
Thursday, 12 May 2011
so we've been looking at houses and think we've found a good one. all floorboards and set up high off the ground (so we won't get flooded) and with ducted heating to keep us toasty.

it's a long journey from home to work, though, but i kind of like the house anyway. means i may have to get an ipod. for kyungsil, it's probably a better journey to her work, so that's a bonus.

we applied today, despite the rugged terrain that is paperwork, and have our fingers crossed to hear back from them soon!

this week: we're going to the city to take photos of local architecture!

and speaking of architecture, how's this treehouse!?
Sunday, 8 May 2011
i bought some batteries for the camera in hope we'd be going to the city for a look at more of the buildings in melbourne, but unfortunately kyungsil has to work today.

now i'm kind of bored.